CAS : 7440-02-0 / EINECS : 231-111-4
Chemical symbol : Ni
Purity : the purity of nickel 4×4 squares is > 99.98%
Dimensions : 100x100mm
Product description : the 4×4 nickel squares are cut in high-purity nickel cathodes, and packed in drums.
Uses : the 4×4 nickel squares are used as nickel anode for electroplating. They are put in titanium baskets, then in nickel plating baths.
Nickel squares can also be used in foundry. The low unit weight allows precise dosages of nickel quantities to be used.
Packaging : 200 and 250kg drum (other upon request).
Availability : on stock
Safety/MSDS : for industrial use only.
The information is given to the best of our current knowledge but with no obligation. A.M.P.E.R.E. is not responsible for incorrect information.